Institution: Hubbard Brook Research Foundation
Hubbard Brook Role: Director of Science Policy and Outreach, Investigator, LTER Communications Comm, LTER Education and Outreach Comm

Hubbard Brook Publications by this Author
Contosta, A. R., Battles, J. J., Campbell, J. L., Driscoll, C. T., Garlick, S. R., Holmes, R. T., Likens, G. E., Rodenhouse, N. L., Rogers, S. H., Templer, P. H., Vadeboncoeur, M. A., & Groffman, P. M. (2023). Early warning signals of changing resilience in the biogeochemistry and biology of a northern hardwood forest. Environmental Research Letters, 18(9), 094052.
Garlick, S., & Fallon, K. (2023). The ECO framework: advancing evidence-based science engagement within environmental research programs and organizations. BioScience, 73(6), 422–432.
Halpern, B. S., Boettiger, C., Dietze, M. C., Gephart, J. A., Gonzalez, P., Grimm, N. B., Groffman, P. M., Gurevitch, J., Hobbie, S. E., Komatsu, K. J., Kroeker, K. J., Lahr, H. J., Lodge, D. M., Lortie, C. J., Lowndes, J. S. S., Micheli, F., Possingham, H. P., Ruckelshaus, M. H., Scarborough, C., … Youngflesh, C. (2023). Priorities for synthesis research in ecology and environmental science. Ecosphere, 14(1), e4342.
Burakowski, E. A., Contosta, A. R., Grogan, D., Nelson, S. J., Garlick, S., & Casson, N. (2022). Future of Winter in Northeastern North America: Climate Indicators Portray Warming and Snow Loss that will Impact Ecosystems and Communities. Northeastern Naturalist, 28(Special Issue 11), 180–207.
Peterman, K., Garlick, S., Besley, J., Allen, S., Fallon Lambert, K., Nadkarni, N. M., Rosin, M. S., Weber, C., Weiss, M., & Wong, J. (2021). Boundary spanners and thinking partners: adapting and expanding the research-practice partnership literature for public engagement with science (PES). Journal of Science Communication, 20(7), N01.
Besley, J. C., Garlick, S., Fallon Lambert, K., & Tiffany, L. A. (2021). The role of communication professionals in fostering a culture of public engagement. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 11(3), 225–241.
Campbell, J. L., Rustad, L. E., Garlick, S., Newman, N., Stanovick, J. S., Halm, I., Driscoll, C. T., Barjenbruch, B. L., Burakowski, E., Hilberg, S. D., Sanders, K. J., Shafer, J. C., & Doesken, N. J. (2020). A Comparison of Low-Cost Collector Configurations for Quantifying Ice Accretion. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 59(9), 1429–1442.
Casson, N. J., Contosta, A. R., Burakowski, E. A., Campbell, J. L., Crandall, M. S., Creed, I. F., Eimers, M. C., Garlick, S., Lutz, D. A., Morison, M. Q., Morzillo, A. T., & Nelson, S. J. (2019). Winter Weather Whiplash: Impacts of Meteorological Events Misaligned With Natural and Human Systems in Seasonally Snow-Covered Regions. Earth’s Future, 7(12), 1434–1450.
Contosta, A. R., Casson, N. J., Garlick, S., Nelson, S. J., Ayres, M. P., Burakowski, E. A., Campbell, J., Creed, I., Eimers, C., Evans, C., Fernandez, I., Fuss, C., Huntington, T., Patel, K., Sanders‐DeMott, R., Son, K., Templer, P., & Thornbrugh, C. (2019). Northern forest winters have lost cold, snowy conditions that are important for ecosystems and human communities. Ecological Applications, 29(7), e01974.
Garlick, S. (2017, February 19). Public Engagement and Societal Decision-Making About Long-Term Ecological Research (HBR.2017-08). 2017 AAAS Annual Meeting (February 16-20, 2017).