Department: Northern Research Station, Northern Forest Science and Applications
271 Mast Road
Durham, NH, 03824
ORCID: 0000-0003-4956-1696

Research Interests
My research focuses on understanding ecosystem response to both natural and human disturbances. Investigations include studies of how environmental change impacts hydrological, biological and chemical processes in forest watersheds. This research includes analyses of long-term field measurements, shorter-term field experiments, laboratory studies and modeling, and has been performed at multiple scales ranging from small plots to global syntheses. Some of the disturbances that I am currently investigating include air pollution, forest harvesting, ice storms, soil freezing, and drought. My research provides a more comprehensive understanding of how forest and aquatic ecosystems respond to environmental change, and helps in identifying vulnerabilities and developing mitigation and adaptation strategies. This information provides land and water resource managers with a basis for making decisions and will enable them to better prepare for change to minimize impacts. Understanding and predicting how ecosystems respond to environmental change is also critical to the development of environmental policy, and will ensure the continued availability of the benefits and services that these ecosystems support.