Department: Northern Research Stationions
271 Mast Road
Durham, NH 03824
ORCID: 0000-0001-8076-6214
Research Interests
Research statement: I provide scientific leadership for a cadre of dedicated USFS scientists and staff involved in the development of forest science and related applications that improve our understanding, monitoring, and management of northern forest ecosystems from Maine to Minnesota. A number of world-class research forests are maintained by this research unit, such as Hubbard Brook, that provide a plethora of opportunities for engaging partners (states, universities, NGOs) in research of mutual interest. In addition to my leadership of the research unit, impactful research assigned to me includes refining our quantification and understanding of the role of forest dead wood in forest stand dynamics, production, and carbon cycles. In addition to dead wood exploration, I investigate the refinement of forest stand dynamics metrics, such as stocking indices, to accommodate emerging theories of tree functional traits and related stand development processes. Finally, as a former Forest Inventory and Analysis scientist and Lead Scientist of the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory of US Forests, I identify ways to upscale research results from experimental forests to the population level with a focus on forest carbon accounting and management.