LTER Network Data Resources
LTER Site Database (SiteDB)
Site profiles contain key information on research, history, people, institutional affiliations, and location for each LTER site as well as links to additional site information. Visit SiteDB at the LTER Network
LTER Network Personnel Database
The LTER Personnel database contains information on scientists and students across the entire LTER: LTER Personnel The local Hubbard Brook Personnel directory links to CVs for scientists and students working at this site: Hubbard Brook Personnel
Environmental Data Intiative Data Portal (EDI)
The EDI data portal provides access to data across the entire LTER network (as well as other research sites). Hubbard Brook data can be found and accessed through this data portal, as well as through our local data search and retrieval pages.
LTER Remote Sensing Data
The LTER network has collected remote sensing image data from all sites, and in a new effort, is compiling a collection of Landsat scenes for each site. The Landsat catalog will cover 1982 through 2011, providing 30 years of standardized historical data. Use the advanced search interface on the LTER data portal, selecting optional content=Landsat 5 Data Packages on the 'subject' tab.
Climate and Hydrology Database
Clim/Hydro DB provides centralized access to long-term meteorological and steamflow records from many research sites, including LTER sites. This database is currently in migration to a new platform. a complete archive of the data can be found in the following EDI data package.
Henshaw, D.Z., S.Z. Remillard, Y. Xia, J. Brunt, and W. Sheldon. 2021. ClimHyrdoDB Archive: Meteorologic and hydrologic observations from LTER and USFS sites, 2001-2020 - orignal database format ver 4. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2021-12-06).
Hubbard Brook and other LTER sites contribute data to the Ecotrends Project. Ecotrends provides resources (data and tools) to promote and enable the use and synthesis of long-term data to examine trends in the Earth's ecosystems.