Climate Change Series (2015-2016)
Winter Climate Change in Vermont
March 4, 2016
Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park
Woodstock, VT
- Share information among ecosystem scientists and stakeholders
- Inform an upcoming science synthesis on winter climate change with stakeholder input
- Increase understanding of changing conditions, leading to better science, improved management decisions, and more informed economic decisions
- Discuss follow-up events or projects which increase the dialogue among ecosystem scientists and interested parties.
Changing Climate, Changing Forests: A Hubbard Brook Roundtable
May 5, 2015
Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest
Woodstock, NH
- What forest changes will have the greatest impact on local land managers and landowners?
- Map out the points of overlap between Hubbard Brook research and the issues, concerns, and decisions faced by forest landowners and land managers: What science is available now to support decision-making at the landowner level? How can forest research respond to landowner needs in the future?
- Build new relationships and channels of communication among scientists and landowners with the intention of broadening our dialogue beyond a one-day meeting.