Institution: Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Millbrook, New York 12545
Hubbard Brook Role: Post-doctoral Researcher

Research Interests

My Ph.D. research focuses on soil organic matter stabilization via interactions with soil minerals, including understanding the effect of variable environmental properties on stabilization processes. At Hubbard Brook, I am applying the hydropedologic unit (HPU) framework to evaluate metal-organic interactions in soils with varying saturation frequency, using spectroscopic characterization and high-resolution imaging techniques.

Hubbard Brook Publications by this Author

Possinger, A. R., Bailey, S. W., Inagaki, T. M., Kögel-Knabner, I., Dynes, J. J., Arthur, Z. A., & Lehmann, J. (2020). Organo-mineral interactions and soil carbon mineralizability with variable saturation cycle frequency. Geoderma, 375, 114483.
Possinger, A. (2019). Electrons, X-rays, and soil augers: Probing soil organo-mineral interactions with a cross-scale analytical toolbox [PhD Thesis]. Cornell University.