Xavier Cortada
Xavier Cortada is an American artist. His work has been exhibited in museums, galleries and cultural venues across the Americas, Europe, Asia, Antarctica and Africa. From 2011 to 2018, Cortada based his engaged art-science practice at Florida International University, serving in the School of Environment, Arts and Society and the College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts (CARTA). He is most recently a Professor of Practice in the Department of Art and Art History at the University of Miami. Cortada studio is based at Pinecrest Gardens, where he serves as Artist-in-Residence. A hallmark of his work is engaging scientists in his art-making and producing participatory science-art exhibits. Xavier has participated in on site and virtual artist-in-residence programs at both the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH and the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, OR. His work at Hubbard Brook includes: the WaterViz for Hubbard Brook, Wind Words, and the Hubbard Brook Water Paintings. His work at HJ Andrews includes the WaterViz for HJ Andrews and CLIMA 2016.

Marty Quinn
Marty Quinn is a composer/data scientist and founder of Design Rhythmics Sonification Research Lab. He has focused on the perception of data thru music and visualization for over 25 years. His many works include The Climate Symphony, Water Ice on Mars, CRaTER Live Internet Radio, Walk on the Sun interactive movement and image sonification for the visually impaired and Touch the Future: Hear the Climate Change. He has worked on the NASA IBEX and CRaTER instruments teams at the University of New Hampshire, where he holds an M.S. in computer science. Marty has participated in on site and virtual atist-in-residence programs at both the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH and the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, OR His works at Hubbard Brook include: the sonifications for the WaterViz and the HydroScape.

Torrin Hallett
The Hubbard Brook Water Music is a combined aural and graphical representation of Hubbard Brook
2015 water cycle and weather data, created by student musician and composer Torrin Hallett (Oberlin College and Conservatory, class of 2018), during a summer 2016 NSF REU program. The work includes a full year sonification of Hubbard Brook water cycle data, as well as acoustical representations of three hydrologic conditions: Heavy Precipitation, High Stream Flow and Low Stream Flow. The full year piece plays for fourteen-and-a-half minutes, with a new hourly data point added every 100 milliseconds. A novel aspect is that the music is synched with a moving graph of the data, so that an audience can experience the data both in this new method of aural data representation and a more traditional graphical representation at the same time. Torrin's work is featured as a blog post on National Geographic. The videos are also available on YouTube.